Vaping: The Importance of Discussing the Danger with your Teens.


Electronic cigarettes have many names like; e-cigs, vape pens, tank and mods, but they all have the same purpose. These devices are discreet and can resemble a pen or USB stick that delivers a toxic and addictive chemical. Electronic cigarettes were designed as an aid to help cigarette smokers reduce their use and exposure to harmful chemical. Marketing of these products may describe them as a “safe” alternative to cigarette smoking but they are not safe. E-cigarettes contain a liquid composed of toxic chemicals and nicotine that is masked with many tempting flavors. The electronic device heats the liquid, turning it into a vapor that is inhaled.

Although these devices have helped many smokers reduce their  exposure to toxic chemical of traditional cigarette smoking, it has also become and epidemic amongst teens. Parents and caregivers may not be aware their teen is vaping because of the discreet device and ordorless vapors. It is crucial that teens are made aware of the harmful effects of e-cigarettes and vaping because the consequences can be life long.

The main ingredient in the liquid of e-cigarettes is tobacco. Tobacco is harmful because it contains nicotine that is sprayed with many cancer causing chemicals. When tobacco is burned, it becomes tar which sticks to the cells of the lung tissue and allows other carcinogens to build up and enter the blood stream.Other harmful chemicals in e-cigarettes is nickel, tin, lead and many others that cause cancer with exposure. When the combination of these chemicals is inhaled as a vapor it can cause breathing problems, frequent coughing, increased respiratory infections and overtime it can lead to cancer and death.


The nicotine in e-cigarettes make it highly addictive and the adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of exposure. Nicotine releases a chemical in the brain that is associated with pleasure, your brain remembers this and wants more leading to an addiction. It can also increase the use of other addictive substances, reduce impulse control, lead to mood disorders and impact brain development if used before the age of 25 resulting in developmental  issues.

If your teen is vaping, or you know a teen who is, discuss the serious health risk, developmental issue, addiction and irreversible affects vaping can cause. Talk to your teens health care provider if they are vaping and bring them for regular check-ups to monitor the affects of exposure to these toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.



Besaratinia, A. &. (2017). An opportune and unique research to evaluate the public health impact of electronic cigarettes. Cancer Causes & Control, 28(10), 1167–1171.

Douglass, B. L. (2017). Teen vaping: Time to clear the air. Contemporary Pediatrics, 34(8), 24–38. Retrieved from

FRATANTORO, M. (2019). New Wave of Vaping Restrictions Sweeps Across US, including Disney. RT: The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners, 32(3), 4. Retrieved from

McKeganey, N. &. (2019). Prevalence of Awareness and Use of JUUL E-cigarettes in a National Probability Sample of Adolescents in the United States. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(3), 591–605.

Prudovsky, D. (2019). Saying No to Vaping: What you should know about the dangers of e-cigarettes. Dental Assistant, 88(2), 10–11. Retrieved from

Selekman, J. (2019). Vaping: It’s All a Smokescreen. Pediatric Nursing, 45(1), 12–35. Retrieved from


Medical Marijuana and Parkinson’s Disease

By: MattysFlicks

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive disease which affects movement, muscles, and speech.  As time goes on, the symptoms of the disease worsen leaving the person severely debilitated.  As time moves on, they are no longer able to care for themselves and remain completely dependent upon others for help with every aspect of life.  These helpers become the arms, legs, and voice for the Parkinson’s patient.

Medical marijuana is the use of the marijuana plant to treat illness, chronic conditions, pain, and anxiety.  There are many social media posts, blogs, and videos which show improvement of ailments with the use of medical marijuana.  One condition, in particular, is Parkinson’s Disease.  There remain countless videos on youtube which depict before and after footage of a Parkinson’s patient using marijuana.

In this particular video, the patient opens the door for the doctor while visibly unable to control his movements.  His speech and voice are soft and trembling, and his body moves without meaning to.  The doctor administers the marijuana, and after some time his movements slow, he is able to sit still, and his speech is improved.  His voice is louder and more controlled, and the Parkinson’s symptoms are barely recognizable.

While there does remain evidence of medical marijuana improving symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease, the fact remains that there has not been enough testing on the medication to state for a fact that it will help every person, every time.  The myth that medical marijuana is a miracle drug lay in the fact that this plant has not been thoroughly tested.  It is not FDA approved for treatments of any condition.   Any medication given to a patient must go through years of trials and approvals.  Because of the state and federal government restrictions on marijuana, studies have been limited, until recently.   An increasing number of states have approved the use of medical marijuana.  As such, there has been more testing and studies done on marijuana as a medication.  The hopes for most people is that as studies progress, and the dosage more precise, marijuana will be both safe and available for treatments of disease.

The reality remains that until marijuana is tested and the doses managed from patient to patient, marijuana as a miracle drug remains a myth.  The increasing number of patients who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease using marijuana and showing a slow down in tremors and body movement only increases the awareness that this plant can help people.  If Parkinson’s patients cannot achieve independence through this medication, at least they can experience times of rest.

By: Carlos Gracia

Is Cannabis an actual medicinal substance

Cannabidiol (CBD)oil, also known as Cannabis or medical marijuana. There has been an increase in the use and research of CBD oil or medicinal purposes. CBD has been gaining popularity over the last few years. This is due to the effects it has been giving people that have used it. These people state how effective it has been on their health whether from illness such as cancer to conditions of epilepsy. CBD comes from both the Hemp plant and the Sativa plant. The Sativa carries two components the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the Cannabidiol. THC is the psychoactive component which gives people the “big high”. The CBD part is what is said to be medicinal. This is the portion being used for pain control, anxiety, seizures, cancer progression and much more (Welty, T.E., &

Luebke, A., 2014).

Controversies on CBD are :

  • Not enough research done on the CBD effects
  • No funding for research
  • CBD is stigmatized as a recreational drug
  • It has a psychoactive component
  • Conventional medication being used in its place
  • Still illegal at the federal level (Welty, T.E., &

Luebke, A., 2014).

some research has shown how people including children have suffered from epilepsy, with multiple seizures decreased in the amount of seizures a day and were able to continue their activities of daily living. This is just one of the many benefits CBD is said to treat, along with the relief of pain, anxiety, cancer or cancer related symptoms, etc. Although benefits are being seen, there is still a question of whether Cannabidiol Oil (CBD) is effective in treating a variety of conditions, both mental and physical.

In conclusion, the therapeutic effects of CBD seem to outweigh any adverse affects or negativity surrounding this substance. It helps with many conditions such as, inflammation, psychosis, anxiety, decreases tumors and has anticonvulsant properties (Smith, K., 2019). Although we have research done on the effects of CBD, more research is needed to confirm this.

By: WeedPornDaily


Welty, T.E., Luebke, A., & Gidal, B.E. (2014, September-October). Cannabidiol:promise & pitfalls. American Epilepsy Society, 14(5):250-252. doi:10.5698/1535-7597-14.5.250

Smith,K. (2019). What is CBD oil. Environmental Nutrition. Retrieved August 18, 2019 from


Vaccine Hesitancy

What is Vaccine Hesitancy?

Vaccine hesitancy is described as a phenomenon which needs to be understood. Vaccine hesitancy is a true fear that many well-educated parents experience. The World Health Organization has recognized vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten global health threats for 2019.

Parents believe that they will feel worse if they decide to vaccinate their child and the child experiences a side effect which the parent believes to be directly attributable to the vaccine; such as autism. Should their child experience an actual illness, such as measles, as a result of not having been vaccinated, the parent will not feel personal responsibility for this situation. They will instead view the resulting illness as the body’s natural response to the environment.

Vaccine Hesitancy is believed to be a direct response to the successful eradication of diseases from vaccines . Since measles was all but eradicated in the 1970’s, it is difficult for a parent today to fear something they have never seen, versus autism which continues to receive a great deal of media attention despite any possible link to the MMR vaccine being scientifically disproved repeatedly.*******

The State of Texas has allowed its citizens to file non-medical exemptions for parents who believe that the government does not have a right to force them to vaccinate their children. Exemptions within Texas have increased 28- fold to 64,000 unvaccinated children enrolled in public schools as of 2018. Experts believe that these exemptions have lowered the Texas vaccination rate to below 92%. This may result in a 4000% increase in the number of Measles cases in the year 2019. That represents 400 cases of measles in EACH major city in Texas.


How do we educate the Vaccine Hesitant among us?

We need to listen to their concerns effectively-emphatize-educate