Human Growth Hormone: Myths and truths


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced in the brain.  It’s function is to stimulate bone and muscle growth in children.  This allows children to grow into adults.  In children with illness such as cancer, where growth has been slowed, HGH can be administered to promote growth and development.

By: MattysFlicks

There are many myths associated with HGH.  These myths have been popularized on mainstream media, social media, and various sports teams. One myth is that HGH will slow the aging process.  The thought is taking this hormone will improve skin quality and reduce wrinkles giving the appearance of youth.  Another myth is that it improves athletic performance.  Athletes can perform better, or heal quickly to get back on the playing field.    As these myths seem enticing to people wanting to look better and improve their physical performance, the drug is being readily available on the street.  While the smoke and mirrors of HGH permeates society, teenagers are gaining more interest on the medication.  As a result, there have been an increasing number of teenagers experimenting with this drug.

HGH is produced naturally in the body.  It aids in growth and development in children.  There are times where HGH is prescribed by a doctor.   This is done for a few reasons including stunted growth, brain injury (pituitary gland), and muscle wasting associated with AIDS.  All of the above are Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved.  When people start using this medication on their own for enhancement purposes,  they run the risk for developing short term side effects including joint and muscle tingling and swelling.  The problem with taking HGH for long periods of time are the increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.  People who take this medication on their own, without the guidance of a doctor, are often not monitored.  Allergic reaction or other side effects are not detected and there remains a possibility of long-term side effects and/or death.   HGH is available on the street, and teenagers looking to improve their looks or athletic stature can face dire consequences.  People need to be educated about the reality of HGH.  While it provides miracles for those in need: those who cannot produce the hormone, it can remain a health hazard if too much of this hormone exists in the body.

With any medication, it is important and necessary to follow the direction of a physician.  This ensures safety and allows for greater benefits.  Reading and learning about HGH prior to taking the hormone offers a safer way.  It is not a fountain of youth in capsule form, and it should not be used to become a superhero.  It is a necessary treatment for those lacking this hormone.