3 Common Misconceptions about Autism

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a social communication disorder. This means that children or adults diagnosed with autism may have difficulty understanding and interpreting meanings behind others actions. They also may have difficulty appropriately expressing their wants and needs.

Rates of autism have been rising. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the most recent estimate is 1 in every 59 children being diagnosed.

If you think your child has ASD, contact a medical professional to schedule a screening or evaluation.

Fiction: Autism can be cured.

The internet holds some amazing information, but is it all true?
A quick search on Google pulls up a multitude of article claiming Autism can be cured.

While it is possible, that a child previously diagnosed with ASD may no longer demonstrate the same symptoms; medical professionals do not unanimously consider this to mean that the child has been cured.

Treatment is different for each child as it is dependent on what the particular needs are. Some options include Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Language Therapy, as well as Applied Behavior Analysis.

*Seek consultation from a medical professional when considering which method or methods are right for you and your child.*

Fiction: Children with ASD are either
really smart or really dumb.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is just that; a spectrum. Like anyone, each child has their own personal potential. Everyone has things they like and don’t like, as well as things they are good at and not good at.

Sometimes children with autism are eligible for services to assist them in succeeding in school or other activities. However, simply having the diagnosis does not automatically ensure services.

To determine if your child is eligible for services contact a medical professional to schedule a consultation.

Fiction: Children with ASD do not
feel emotions or love.

Autism is characterized as a mirror neuron disorder. Basically, this means that signals are lost or translated incorrectly. Children with ASD may have a difficult time independently recognizing and understanding how other people feel.

However, this does not mean they are incapable of feelings. Everyone expressed their attachment and love in different ways; even children with ASD. It is important to remember that they have the ability to feel as deeply as any other person, even if they express it differently.

Stay Educated

Since research on autism spectrum disorder is constant, new information and updated treatment methods are always in flow. By continuing to stay up to date on the facts you can avoid common misconceptions.

Some helpful websites include:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Autism Speaks

Autism Society



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.html

Miller Kuhaneck, H. & Watling, R. (2010). Autism: A comprehensive occupational therapy approach. American Occupational Association Press.

Tanner, Hand, O’Toole, & Lane. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorder. AOTA Critically Approved Topics and Papers Series. Retrieved from https://www.aota.org/~/media/Corporate/Files/Secure/Practice/CCL/Autism/Autism_RRB_%20Play_%20Leisure_CAT.pdf


Published Nov. 2019