Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Photo by IamMidnight on Flickr

What is CPR:

Cardio pulmonary resuscitation is a lifesaving technique that can be performed during a medical emergency when another person’s heart stops or the individual stops breathing. There are two different types of CPR according to American Heart Association. The first one is conventional CPR which utilizes the standard chest compression and breaths. The ratio is 30 compressions of 5 cm depths (5cm for adults) and 2 breaths (mouth to mouth). This form of CPR is provided by individuals who are trained in CPR. The second type is compressions only, without the breaths. This type of CPR is provided by an individual who isn’t trained or a healthcare provider. First step is to call 911 and provide compressions at the center of the chest.

Photo by American Red Cross of Colorado and Wyoming on Flickr

Importance of CPR:

Cardio pulmonary resuscitation can save a life! When an individual’s heart or breathing stops, they are in extreme danger. By performing CPR you are buying the person much needed time by continuing blood circulation and breathing. In medical emergencies seconds are extremely important. Having the ability to do CPR and knowing what to do is essential. In an emergency someone might freeze and there might be external factors causing panic and confusion. Having CPR training can be the difference between life and death. CPR provides people with a fighting chance.

Photo by Las-initially on Flickr

CPR Process (Do’s):

  • Before providing CPR check your surrounding, make sure you and the person are out of any danger.
  • Check for responsiveness, tap the persons shoulders and ask if they are okay to make sure they are in need of assistance.
  • Call 9-1-1 (preferably a bystander call if possible)
  • Make sure the person is on a flat surface and open up the airway (tilt head back and lift chin slightly)
  • Check for breathing (look at chest, place ear to mouth to ensure person requires help)
  • Begin CPR
  • Place hands in middle of chest one over the other interlocked, lock arms and use body weight to provide compressions 5 cm of depth. Allow for full recoil of chest between compressions.
  • Provide 2 breaths with persons head tilted back, chin lifted. Pinch the nose and place mouth over mouth to give the breaths.
  • Ratio: 30×2 (compressions x breaths)
  • Continue CPR cycle until person shows signs of life or medical emergency services arrive.

CPR Don’ts:

  • Don’t bend arm while providing compressions. Keep arms in a locked position and allow your body to do the work of the compressions. You will become fatigued if you attempt to provide compressions with just your arms.
  • Provide compressions too deep or not deep enough. The correct depth of a compression should be 2 inches or 5 centimeters for an adult.
  • Don’t stop CPR unless person shows signs of life, an AED is provided, you are too tired to continue or medical emergency services arrive to assist.

Photo by U.S Pacific Fleet on Flickr

Where to receive training:

In todays day and age is quite simple to become CPR certified. You can take an online course or attend an in person course that are provided in the United Stated of America and internationally. The American Heart Association provides a section where you can find a course anywhere in the world.


“What Is CPR.”,

“CPR Steps: Perform CPR.” Red Cross,

“Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): First Aid.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 16 Feb. 2018,