Juvenile Diabetes


Juvenile Diabetes 

Also called type one diabetes, effects all ages but it is primarily diagnosed in children and adolescents.  Only 5% of people with diabetes have type 1.  It is an autoimmune disease that effects the pancreas and its ability to make insulin.  The body no longer breaks down insulin which is a hormone that breaks down sugar.  Without insulin the sugar can not be broken down in the blood stream and converted into energy in the cells.  In order to give the body insulin, injections or an insulin pump is needed.

Signs of Juvenile Diabetes 

As of right now they are not sure what causes Juvenile diabetes.  It can happen at any age and can happen out of know where.  It is important that you know some of the signs to look for.  When diagnosed with diabetes the blood sugar will be high because the insulin can not break it down.  If the sugar goes to high it can be potentially fatal.


Along with high blood sugar, low blood sugar is also a concern.  If the body has to much insulin in the blood stream it will break down to much sugar.


Misconceptions of Juvenile Diabetes


  1.  Type 1 diabetes is caused by being overweight
  2.  People with type 1 diabetes can’t eat sugar
  3.  Adults can’t get type 1 diabetes
  4.  Kids will grow out of type 1 diabetes
  5. Artificial sweeteners are good for people with type 1 diabetes
  6. Type 1 diabetes is hereditary
  7.  You get type 1 diabetes from eating too much sugar
  8.  People with type 1 diabetes can’t play sports
  9.  The insulin pump cures type 1 diabetes
  10.  . Type 1 diabetes can be cured with diet and exercise


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. (2014). Medicine on the Net, 20(5), 10-11 2p.

Vishwanath, A. (2014). Negative Public Perceptions of Juvenile Diabetics: Applying Attribution Theory to Understand the Public’s Stigmatizing Views. Health Communication29(5), 516-526 11p. doi:10.1080/10410236.2013.777685
