Opioid Addiction

Opioid Addiction

It is important to know that addiction is not gender specific. Most recently, females have had a higher increase in a shorter period of time, however, there is a higher incidence of male addicts than females.  The most popular age range is 18-25 years of age.Their are more non-Hispanic whites than other ethnicities, and It is shown to be more prevalent in households where annual income is lower than $20,000. It is also more prevalent in people that are uninsured. With, opiate use especially Heroin, it has increased among all demographic groups.

Their is both pharmacological treatment and psychological treatment options. It is very important to encompass the whole individual. You need to take into account a patients mental health along with their addiction. Ignoring this can make treatment and recovery unattainable.

Risks of Heroin use:

Death, HIV, serous health conditions including collapsed veins, infection of heart lining and valves, abscesses bacterial infections, arthritis, and other rheumatologic problems, constipation, GI cramping, liver and kidney disease, various types pf pneumonia and spontaneous abortion.

If you suspect someone you know is using heroin or has an opioid addiction You can purchase Narcan which can be administered nasally in case of overdose. You can give them the treatment referral line phone number 1-800-662-HELP which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn the signs and symptoms of overdose, call 911 for a overdose, get rid of all unused, expired or unneeded prescription drugs in your home, and you can visit the Office of National Drug Control Policy which has prepared a helpful guide on how to prevent opioid deaths in your community.