To Vaccine or Not that is the question

The argument for the benefits of vaccines has been a long fought battle. With the rising trending of autism diagnosis has lead to many parents and researcher to come to the conclusion that there must be a definite cause to this trend.  Opposition to vaccines as a whole has always been around. A more recent argument against vaccines is the theory that believes the MMR is responsible for causing the increase in the cases of Autism today despite there being no medical or biological studies that prove this theory.  Majority of the research discredits and contradicts the argument against Vaccination

    Arguments Made by this video

  • Vaccines are responsible for children being diagnosed with autism.
  • An infant natural immunity is better than obtaining acquired immunity through vaccines.
  • Vaccines can actually cause the child to contract diseases it designed to protect against.
  • Max production of Vaccines made lead to error in concentration and contents of each vaccine batch.
  • Vaccines are considered obsolete due to the low rates of infection rates in America.
  • Describes the increase in a move against vaccination. One of the main concerns is that the consistent decrease in vaccination will eventually lead to a large epidemic.
  • Points out the false nature of Wakefield’s paper which is responsible for initial connection between the MMR vaccine and autism
  • Advocates for simple platforms that parents can learn about factually information about the MMR Vaccine.
  • Speaks on the possible dangers of the Anti-Vaccination movement.
  • Speaks on increase in deaths linked to decreased vaccinations.
  • Describes Common fears about MMR Vaccines

                          Peer Reviewed Sources

Source # 1

Offit & Gerber 2010, aim to explore 1) whether or not the combination of MMR vaccine causes damage to the intestinal lining, which provides opportunity for encephalopathic proteins to enter and cause damage, 2) the MMR vaccine contains preservatives that are toxic to the Central nervous system, 3) providing multiple vaccines overload the weak infant immune system. The researcher made use of several ecological based studies to evaluate 498 Autistic children born from 1972 to 2002. Offit & Gerber 2010, looked into completing a time trend analysis to explore the trend in vaccination and medical records of children diagnosed with autism.  Overall the researcher found there were was no direct cause correlation between thimerosal and autism.

Offit & Gerber 2010 discovered that there was no direct correlation between the vaccines and the immunes system of the child being overworked. Offit & Gerber 2010 discovered that vaccines are minute in comparison to the danger that infants face on a daily basis when fighting off various diseases and infections. Additionally, Offit & Gerber 2010 was able to come to the conclusion that there is no significant difference in infection susceptibility between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children.

Source 2

Miller et al 2003, put forth the idea that the concern of providing infants with the combined MMR vaccine warrants any serious concerns. Miller et al 2003, explored the notion that children provided the MMR vaccine would exhibit significant immunosuppression post-vaccination period. Miller at al 2003 , utilized the cases of bacterial infection and pneumonia in children 1-2 years who were hospitalized between April 1991 and March 1995. Miller et al 2003, utilize ICD codes to locate infections in infants after a 12-week wait period. The children were compared to a control group. After reviewing the case Miller el al 2003, concluded that there was no direct correlation between the MMR vaccine and infections post-vaccination period. Overall Miller et al 2003, suggested that this danger of MMR vaccine being further explored.


Source 3

The rising support for Anti-vaccine movement has lead to numerous parents refusing to vaccinate their children due to fears of infection, disease and “contracting” autism. As a result of the phenomenon, there has been a measles outbreak in many western countries where measles was not normally seen. Hussain et al 2018, set out to explore how the movement started, and how the repercussions of the movement have affected public health and safety.

The Anti-vaccination movement originated from the early England religious movement against many medical processes, which were deemed “Diabolic operations”. Andrew Wakefield who published the Lancet, which renew the theory that was was a correlation between autism and the MMR vaccine. His study was discredited due to monetary complication and he was forced to retract his statement. Unfortunately, his findings were already spread and began to influence many parts of the world. As a result, the MMR vaccination rate dropped in London, Ireland, and the US. The resulting outbreaks lead to several child deaths and a strain of the healthcare system.


Gerber, J., & Offit, P. (2009). Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses. Clinical Infectious Diseases,48(4), 456-461. doi:10.1086/596476

Hussain, A., Ali, S., Ahmed, M., & Hussain, S. (2018). The Anti-vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine. Cureus. doi:10.7759/cureus.2919

Miller, E. (2003). Bacterial infections, immune overload, and MMR vaccine. Archives of Disease in Childhood,88(3), 222-223. doi:10.1136/adc.88.3.222

WhatsGoingOn, T. (2015, August 19). Retrieved February 06, 2019, from