Congestive Heart Failure

You’ve recently been diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF) or have had multiple admissions to the hospital, so now what? I’m going to tell you some of the basics, so you’ll be more informed and know what to do to prevent having to go back to the hospital.

Let’s get started… 

CHF means your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the demands of your body.  This may cause you to be short of breath, tired, or even have some swelling in your legs called edema.  Never fear, a video with a good explanation is here.


How do you prevent these symptoms?


 1. Take your meds!  You may have been prescribed a diuretic.  This takes out some of the extra fluid from your body making it easier for your heart to pump.  You may also be on blood pressure medications. Make sure to take these every day.






2. Know the importance of exercise! Slowly work your way up to walking a mile.  Moderate exercise is great for the heart.


 3. Watch your salt!  The more salt you eat, the more fluid your body will hold on to.  The dietician in this video does a great job of describing this. Also, eat a low-fat low cholesterol diet.



4. Monitor your progress!  Weigh every day, preferably in the morning after you’ve gone to the bathroom.  If you start to see an increase in your weight over a few days, let your doctor know.




5. Take your blood pressure often!  If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or your blood pressure has been low talk with your doctor.  




6. Where’s the water?  If your doctor has put you on a fluid restriction then be sure to follow the guidelines provided to you.



7. If you smoke STOP!





8. Best for last!  Conquer the world because a CHF diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to stop living.  Managing this condition is hard but it can be done.

Need more information? 

These websites offer sound advice for anyone wanting more info.