Coronavirus and Pregnancy

What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
There are various types of corona viruses. Some can cause cold/flu like symptoms and respiratory illnesses and can be spread from person to person. COVID-19 started during a study in Wuhan, China.

Pregnant women seem to have the same type of risks as women who are not. They are at a higher risk of getting a severe sickness when they get infected by viruses that are comparable to COVID-19. It best for pregnant women try to protect themselves from all illnesses as their bodies go through changes.

How to stop the spread for you and your family members:

  • Avoid people who are sick or who have been exposed to the virus.
  • Exercise social distancing & stay at least 6 feet away from people.
  • Wash your hands (if visibly dirty) with soap & water for at least 20 seconds after:
  1. Touching others and surfaces in and around the home and outside
  2. After going to the bathroom or changing diapers
  3. Before preparing food and eating
  4. After sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose
  • If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand-sanitizer can be used with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Clean & disinfect regularly touched surfaces and items.
  • Avoid touching your face, with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw away the tissue.
  • Wash clothes and other items such as plush toys often.

Risks to pregnancy & baby

There is still a considerable amount of information that is unknown relating to the risks of COVID-19 to pregnancy and a baby.

  • It is questionable that there will be a spread of COVID-19 during pregnancy from the mother to the child. A newborn can however, be infested after exposure to an infected caregiver.

Prenatal care during the COVID-19 outbreak

  • Find out the how your doctor’s office is separating well patients from those who may be sick.
  • Take a close look at your individual care plan to see if your doctor’s office has moved to telemedicine visits or will continue office visits.
  • Always feel free to call your doctor with urgent medical questions.
  • Call 911 in case of an emergency.

Vaccines during pregnancy & COVID-19 outbreak

Currently, there is no vaccine available to protect against COVID-19. However, if you are pregnant it is necessary to receive other routine vaccines to protect your health.

Delivery locations during COVID-19

It is safe to deliver your baby under the supervision of a trained healthcare provider. Discuss with your healthcare provider your delivery options and locations.

Breastfeeding while infected by COVID-19

Breast milk offers safety against many illnesses and is the best form of nutrition for most infants.

  • A decision must be made between you and your healthcare provider on how and when to start breastfeeding.
  • Limited data has proposed that it is unlikely that COVID-19 can be transmitted in breast milk.
  • A cloth face covering should be worn during breastfeeding.
  • Hands must be thoroughly washed before each feeding.
  • If you have COVID-19 and decide to express breast milk, you should use an allocated breast pump.
  • Wear facial covering during the expression of the milk and properly wash hands when handling the parts.
  • Follow the recommendations for proper cleaning of all parts.
  • Preferably, the expressed milk should be fed to the infant by a healthy care-giver who is not at a high-risk for severe sickness from COVID-19.


  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Caring for Young Children. Retrieved from
  2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention & Southwick, F. (2020). Coronavirus Prevention Guideline. Retrieved from
  3. NBC4 Columbus. (2020). How does Coronavirus affect Pregnancy? Retrieved from

4 thoughts on “Coronavirus and Pregnancy

  1. AtsukoH

    Hi Yolande,
    COVID-19 has threatened many people, especially people living with chronic disease or pregnant women. Pregnancy is a susceptible period, and all the mothers are worried about many things, from the wall decoration of the baby’s room to the development of fetal. Such infection will certainly increase anxiety or escalate the stress for pregnant women. Your blog is very informative, which pregnant women will benefit from your blog. Additionally, your tone is calm and persuasive in that patients feel secure by reading your blog.
    Furthermore, the safety measures of breastfeeding are also helpful for pregnant women to get ready after birth. Such information should be provided before the delivery; therefore, mothers can get prepared for postpartum. I am not pregnant. However, I certainly use the information learned from your blog for my patients.

  2. MelissaP

    Great job not only describing what COVID is, where is originated, but what the symptoms are and the significant implications for pregnant women. I have to say, thankfully, I gave birth just a little over a year ago to my second daughter and I feel so blessed to have missed this crazy and uncertain time to give birth in. If, however, I was pregnant and came across your post I would have appreciated the information you have- not being any more of a higher risk being pregnant, continued importance on breast feeding and taking extra precautions like cleaning stuff animals that could hold the virus. The video also had great information which would be perfect for all the mommas to be! I’m glad to hear that its “business as usual” for expecting moms. Just taking extra precautions as they normally should and trying to stock up on diapers and formula!

  3. AriannaA

    Hi hi!
    This post caught my attention because one of my best friends is pregnant and we are always having conversations about COVID & her pregnancy and what to look up on the internet. I enjoyed how easy your blog was to read. It was very clear the information you provided and I enjoyed that there was a video link to back up what you were saying. For someone who is a visual learner, I was attracted to the videos and found them super helpful when connecting the information you had in writing. I was excited to read the part about breast milk! Just another reminder to all those mama that they have all they need right with them helping them feel more confident and comfortable during these unexpected times.

  4. KevanC

    This was a great topic that is relevant to current issues that are transpiring. I was drawn into your blog because I had two family members who passed away from COVID-19. Additionally, my cousin, his pregnant girlfriend and their 3 year old baby all tested positive for COVID. I have forwarded your media links to my cousin, so the information you have gathered has already started to help people. I like how you broke the information down in a fashion that is easily digested. Your visuals were bright and lightened the page up and your media selections were great. Im sure it was difficult to find peer reviewed article on this topic because it is so current. I appreciate you willingness to take on the challenge of this topic.

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