Transmission of COVID-19

What is COVID-19? 

COVID-19 is a new strain of corona virus that has not been identified in humans before. This virus affects anyone and can cause mild to severe respiratory symptoms that is similar to influenza.


COVID-19: How does this virus spread?

Covid-19 spreads through close contact (about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets created by when someone talks, coughs, or sneezes.

Covid-19 also lives on surfaces for hours and sometimes days, touching these surfaces may increase risk of infection.

Is breastfeeding safe during COVID-19

Breastfeeding is perfectly safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, even if the mother has contracted the virus it is still safe to breastfeed with a mask on.

Is COVID-19 airborne?

COVID-19 is not airborne, it is a droplet precautions. Some websites claim that COVID-19 is able to stay in the air for 6 hours. This theory has been debunked by the CDC because in order for the virus to stay in the air for 6 hours it needs a special environment that can only be achieved by humans. This means that in normal circumstances the virus can not live in the air for 6 hours.


Conly, J., Seto, W. H., Pittet, D., Holmes, A., Chu, M., Hunter, P. R., on behalf of the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Expert Group for COVID-19, Cookson, B., Voss, A., Levin, A. S. S., Seto, W. H., Kalisvar, M., Fisher, D., Gobat, N., Sobsey, M., Schwaber, M. J., Tomczyk, S., & Ling, M. L. (2020). Use of medical face masks versus particulate respirators as a component of personal protective equipment for health care workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 9(1), 1–7.

Government of Canada, C. (2020, October 28). Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Infectious Agents for Health Care Workers : OSH Answers. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from,other%20viral%20illnesses%20like%20influenza