The Truth About Eggs

By Stephanie M, MSOT student, May 26, 2021

Are Eggs a Super Food or a Supervillain?

Eggs are a well known source of protein and vitamins with the most questionable background. Medical studies that have been conducted over the last 10 years shows that no one is certain about the answer as there are a number of variable that be factors. What makes up an egg? The white part of the eggs are widely known to be an eggcellent source of protein and nutrients. The yolk also a great source of protein and important nutrients. The yolk is where the debate begins. 


The yolk is the yellow center of the egg that contains cholesterol and a nutrient called Choline. Most doctors and scientist agree that the cholesterol in the egg yolks can lead to a risk of increasing the “bad” cholesterol or the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The “Choline is an essential nutrient that can impact liver function, brain development, muscle movement, and the nervous system” (Brown, 2018). It is the Choline’s link to the liver that leads some scientist to believe that eating too many eggs can increase the risk of developing diabetes. These two components in eggs, are what lead doctors to caution people.

In 2018, Harvard Health Publishing posted an article with two new studies. One study was conducted with individuals that were either prediabetes or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The study was conducted over a 3 month period and then a 6 month follow up. Out of the 128 participants, neither the control group nor the group to consume eggs showed a significant difference in the LDL levels.

The second study was conducted with 416,000 individuals with an average age of 50. All of the subjects were free of any heart disease or diabetes and maintained a log of their health for 9 years. The researches found that the subjects that consumed eggs on a regular basis had a lower risk of death from stroke and heart disease. Notable those that consumed “an average of one egg per day had a 28% lower risk of death from stroke and an 18% lower risk of death from heart disease” (Harvard Health Publishing, 2018).

So are eggs a super food or a supervillian?

Think of eggs more as your favorite antihero. Eggs can be part of a health diet when eaten in moderation. As for the perfect number for you, that depends on your specific health and activity level. It is always important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet.


Brown, M. J. (2018). What is choline? An essential nutrient with many benefits. What Is Choline? An Essential Nutrient With Many Benefits (

Harvard Health Publishing. (2018). Eggs might help your heart, not harm it. Eggs might help your heart, not harm it – Harvard Health