COPD: Facts vs Fiction

What is COPD?

COPD is a lifelong disease caused by damage in the lungs, making it difficult to breath. Although it is preventable and treatable, it is the third leading cause of death in the US. The main symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, fatigue, frequent coughing/wheezing, and recurring respiratory infections.

What Causes COPD?

  • Smoking– The vast majority of cases are caused by Cigarette smoking
  • Environment– Exposure to air pollution, fumes, and dust
  • Genetics– Alpha 1 Deficiency or History of lung infections 
  • Women are 13 times more likely to die than men

Ways to Manage COPD

  • Quit smoking 
  • Exercise and eat a healthy diet
  • Get Vaccinated 
  • Take prescribed medications 
  • See your doctor regularly

What are some Myths about COPD? 

Myth: COPD is a “man’s” disease.

Since tobacco smoking is the number one cause of COPD, it historically affected men who smoked cigarettes at a much higher rate than women.

1968 virginia slims ad

Starting in the 1960’s, tobacco companies began targeting women in advertising of cigarettes, and it became culturally acceptable for women to smoke. Because women’s lungs are more vulnerable to the effects of cigarette smoke on their lungs, they now account for more cases of COPD every year than men.

Myth: There is no treatment for COPD.

There are many treatment methods for COPD including exercise, education, self-management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, complementary and alternative medicine therapy, breathing technique training, and nutrition.

Myth: It’s too late to stop smoking if you have COPD.

It’s never too late to stop smoking. Quitting smoking will stop the progression of COPD, instead of exacerbating it.

Myth: Vaping is a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes.

There are conflicting studies on the “safety” of vaping vs smoking cigarettes. “Safer” is a vague and relative term. While some studies show vaping to be healthier than cigarettes, other studies show the toxins from vaping produce similar damage to lung tissues and inflammation that is associated with COPD. It is unknown if vaping causes COPD at this time.

Myth: COPD only affects smokers.

Up to 25% of people with COPD were not smokers. COPD can be caused by environmental pollutants, genetically by a disease called Alpha 1 Deficiency, or by a long history of lung infections.

Myth: COPD only impacts the health of the lungs.

COPD makes it harder for the body to get oxygen and the heart must work harder as a result, potentially making a person more prone to heart attack. COPD also affects many aspects of a person’s quality of life.


Educating yourself on the myths and facts around COPD will provide better understanding of prevention, treatment, and awareness of the disease. Individuals should talk to their doctors about COPD and their risk factors. Media sources of information should be verified by reliable medical professionals and literature. 

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Walker, B. A., Breckner, H., Carrier, M., Pullen, W., Reagan, E., Telfer, L., & Zimmerman, T. (2016). An open-access review to determine best evidence-based practice for COPD. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 4(2).