Is the Keto Diet Healthy?


The Keto Craze

It seems as if everyone is talking about the Ketogenic (Keto) diet. You see it on daytime talk shows, you read it online and in magazines, you see ‘Keto friendly’ listed on restaurant menus and you a friend or a family member is probably on it right now. If you are looking to lose weight, the Keto diet may be a method you are considering but is it really as effective as it is marketed to be and more importantly is it safe?

What is the Keto diet?

The ketogenic diet is a diet that consists of high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrate that was initially developed for children with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that has sudden recurring episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions. When on this diet the body which usually uses/burn carbohydrates (carbs) for energy sources is now forced to burn fats for this purpose due to the lack of carbs. Instead of the body converting carbohydrates into glucose to use as fuel the body uses the liver to convert fats into fatty acids, and ketone bodies and these replace glucose as the energy source putting the body in a state called ketosis. Which results in weight loss.

What is a Ketone body/ Ketosis?

A ketone body is a water-soluble molecule that is produced by the liver during periods of low food intake, carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation, prolonged intense exercise, alcoholism or in untreated/inadequately treated type 1 diabetes. Ketosis is a metabolic state characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body.

Does the keto diet work?

Research proves that the keto diet is an effective method for weight loss. People who follow this diet properly do lose weight, especially in the beginning phase of the diet. Although, most who attempt this diet never reach true ketosis because the amount of carbohydrates is unrealistically low. To discover if they have entered ketosis many dieters use simple at home test that test ketone levels in either the urine or blood. Others sometimes know they have reached ketosis when they develop flu-like symptoms often referred to as the ‘Keto Flu.’  While this diet has proven to be successful at first with time the weight loss slows dramatically

Is the Keto diet healthy?

If the keto diet is healthy is a question that is hard to answer because the long term effects are mostly unknown. The reason for this is there has been limited research to the long term effects of this diet due to the low rates of people remaining on this diet for long periods of time. Although the long term effects are not known what is known is that it goes against current chronic disease prevention. Although some studies have shown that in many cases, type 2 diabetes can be either wholly or partly reversed by following the ketogenic diet but keep in mind the dieters for this study were observed in a controlled environment by medical professionals. Lastly, the keto diet has been linked to Vitamin B deficiencies, nutrient malabsorption, and disordered eating behaviors.

In conclusion


The keto diet like any diet should be done under the supervisor of health care professionals and while the initial weight loss benefits may be tempting the long-term effects are largely unknown. Before starting this diet or any diet consult with your healthcare provider to see what will work best for you because what is healthy and works for some does not work for everyone one


Dennett, C. (2019). The KETOGENIC DIET for WEIGHT LOSS: How wide is the divide between the hype and the research? Today’s Dietitian, 21(1), 26–30.

 Goldman, E. (2017). Is “Keto” the Key to Reversing Diabetes? Holistic Primary Care, 18(4), 1–4.

Ruscigno, M. (2018). The Keto Diet: More Fad than Long Term. Environmental Nutrition, 41(3), 3.