Importance of Sunscreen

When summertime comes around, the main thing on everyone’s mind is getting outdoors and enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. However, the damaging effects and risk factors too much sun can have on a person’s skin is often forgotten. Applying sunscreen is something that is widely promoted and understood. However; the type of sunscreen being used and how often to apply it are some misunderstood issues. 

How to protect against the sun:   

9 Must-Know Facts About Sunscreen To Stay Protected - NFCR

Shade: staying in the shade as opposed to the sun can help significantly lower risk of damage. Using shade from and umbrella, tree or other kind of covering will reduce the amount of direct sunlight the body experiences. 

Clothing: Covering skin with clothing is also a very effective way to protect against the sun, some clothing even has SPF infused in it. There are a few options when it comes to wearing protective clothing, long or short sleeves. It is not commonly known but wet clothing offers less protection than dry and darker colors protect better than light colors, despite the stigma around dark colors attracting more sunlight. 

Sunglasses: Although protecting the skin is very important, another issue that is often overlooked is protecting the eyes. Too much sun exposure to the eyes can cause a person to develop cataracts. 

Sunscreen: The most common form of protection against the sun is sunscreen. It does not matter what form of sunscreen you use whether it is lotion or spray, as it has at least 15 SPF. Sun protection factor is the number that rates how well the sunscreen will protect against the UVR. As the numbers get higher the more protection it provides. Research from the FDA shows that SPF 50 should be the highest used number because there is no evidence that anything greater than 50 gives more protection. Although some sunscreens have more SPF than others, reapplication is still important. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, if not more frequently. When swimming and sweating, it should be applied more frequently even if the brand says waterproof. 


Are there negative effects of sunscreen? 

There are many myths and rumors behind the chemical compounds and make up of sunscreens. There have been sources that state sunscreen can cause vitamin deficiencies or is linked to other conditions such as endometriosis in women. Researches put out that sunscreen blocks the synthesis of vitamin D, which is gained naturally from the sun, therefore causing vitamin D deficiencies. That statement has been debunked showing that it only really happens in older people or those who are inappropriately applying the sunscreen. As far as the chemical make up of the sunscreen, there are no significant studies showing that it has caused detrimental conditions or toxicities. It is recommended to use a mineral based sunscreen if possible, because overall it is better for the body and skin to use any type of product that has minimal artificial ingredients.

The Sun and Your Skin” – VCU Health seminar at Lewis Ginter


Overall,the positive benefits of sunscreen and proper SPF outweighs the risks that come from the sun and skin damage. So,  Remember to apply your sunscreen and apply it generously!




NIERENGARTEN, M. B. (2014). FDA’s sunscreen recommendations. Contemporary Pediatrics, 31(10), 36–38.

RUBINO, J. (2014). LIGHT work. Delicious Living, 30(7), 47–48.

Burnett, M.E. and Wang, S.Q. (2011), Current sunscreen controversies: a critical review. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 27: 58-67.

3 thoughts on “Importance of Sunscreen

  1. Kayla

    Hi there! I am so glad I came across this blog post. For someone like myself who wears retinol daily, sunscreen is a must! I have never heard the myths of the “bad effects” of sunscreen, but I am glad that if I do come across them I can rest assure they are false! I absolutely agree that the benefits outweigh the risks in this case!

  2. 008009561

    As someone who constantly wears sunscreen and reapplies multiple times a day I think that this blog post is very important for individuals who don’t understand the complete side effects to regularly tanning everyday, especially now that it is almost summer time. I also like that you added about the myths of sunscreen. A recent video posted on Vogue by Gwyneth Paltrow is her saying how many suncreens have harmful ingredients, which isn’t the case.

  3. 008007592

    Great topic. With things heating up I thought this was a great topic to learn about. I often try to buy the more “natural” sunscreens due to the scare of what may be in the ingredients but I’m glad to read it’s not as bad as it has been made out to be. I also assume we have to weigh the pros and the cons in considering the sun damage is likely much worse then any of the ingredients overall.

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